Database Status Codes

Status code


Action required


The database is available for use.



Database is online as read-only.
The database may be set as read-only (and marked as suspect) if there is insufficient disk space to complete a recovery operation. This status is not caused directly by RM Auditor.

Visit the RM Support Web site for more information.


The database is currently loading, offline, recovering or suspect and is not currently accessible (see individual descriptions below).

Accept the message then wait for a few minutes for the database system to recover. If the message persists, visit the RM Support Web site for more information.


The database is currently loading.

Accept the message then wait for the database system to complete loading the database before proceeding normally. If the message persists, visit the RM Support Web site for more information.


The database is offline and inaccessible.


The database may be placed offline (and marked as suspect) if there is insufficient disk space to complete a recovery operation. This status is not caused directly by RM Auditor. Visit the RM Support Web site for more information.


Either a Restore task is running or the database system is performing other routine database maintenance tasks.

Accept the message then wait for the database system to complete recovery before proceeding normally. If the message persists, visit the RM Support Web site for more information.


The integrity of the database may be suspect. This notification is issued for a variety of reasons, most of which are not critical.

Accept the message then wait for the database system to complete recovery before proceeding normally. If the message persists, visit the RM Support Web site for more information.

Emergency Mode

Emergency (bypass) mode has been set to allow the database to be usable. This status is not caused directly by RM Auditor.

Your database system is being diagnosed in order to recover it from a previous fault. Accept the message then wait for the database system to complete recovery before proceeding normally.